As I reflect on the first half of this year, I realize that this Easter held a special significance for us as we truly understood the concept of finding "beauty from ashes." There is indeed beauty to be found in the midst of difficult times, and joy can emerge from sorrow. These are sentiments that I wouldn't have been able to express two years ago, but I am grateful for God's kindness and mercy. Strangely, I find myself thankful for the challenges we face in life. While no one desires to go through suffering, whether it be miscarriages, infertility, pregnancy loss, or any other form of hardship, the Bible prepares us for it: "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Without undergoing hardships, we wouldn't fully appreciate the blessings upon us. Suffering also enables us to understand the true depth of our faith and teaches us to persevere. It sensitizes us to the suffering of others and molds us to be more like Christ (Philippians 3:10).
Reading this should not lead you to believe that if suffering occurs again, I will be cheerful and content, as that is not the case. However, I trust that my faith has developed and strengthened enough to enable me to cope with it more effectively. Coping with it entails seeking God's help first, rather than avoiding Him.