It's been a while since I've written anything. Just as it is for many others, life has just been life-ing. But despite that, I am really happy.
Yesterday, I turned 28 years old. I spent the day with my family, and it was so sweet. My dad bought a cake, my brother was on the grill, and my mom cooked. It was simple and lowkey, and I loved it.
Since I last wrote, we have opened our home to help family. I transitioned to another nursing role back in the hospital. We changed our son's daycare, became more involved in our new church, did some DIY projects in our home, started a garden, and achieved some of our financial goals.
Our son is now fully potty trained, which has been a huge blessing! We are still trusting God's plan for our family.
We are learning how to become adults, how to have difficult conversations with each other, how to set boundaries with family, how to parent, how to challenge each other in love, how to support one another, how to stay connected to each other in a world full of things that take away focus on the family.
Life is still life-ing, but there is much to enjoy in the in-between moments.